Wednesday, January 14, 2009

26 weeks - The Glucose Test

I had a doctor appointment on Monday. I am 26 weeks so I had to take the 1 hour glucose test. I failed. Yikes! This means I have to have the 3 hour diabetes test and drink more of that disgusting syrup substance which makes the baby get wild sugar rush. I also found out I am anemic (low iron). What is going on? I am trying extra hard, taking a bunch of supplements - I don't even crave sweets like some women.

I felt an early sense of mommy failure as if I can't give the right things to our growing boy! Many gave me a pep talk and reminded me that actually many women fail the 1 hour test who go on to pass the full 3 hour test. My mom reminded me that in terms of feeling mommy failure this is nothing to the road ahead so don't go here now, there will be a day when the stakes are much higher. Thanks mom!!!! :) If it is diabetes it can be controlled and monitored to make sure we are both in good health for the 3rd trimester. As for the iron - more supplements - an iron supplement and vitamin C one to wash it down. Also I have to eat more iron rich sources so I am trying hard to increase my red meat intake. It's not easy. Not long ago, I used to be a vegetarian. After my trip around the world I ate meat selectively which meant I ate red meat less than occasionally. For me, even having meat in my diet seemed like a lot - enough at least.

Bring on the buffalo burger....

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