Thursday, January 29, 2009

28 Weeks - Welcome to the 3rd Trimester

Last week I went back for the 3 hour diabetes test. Why can't I just eat a stack of hotcakes drowned in syrup I was wondering as I downed the bright orange liquid trying hard to keep it from coming back up. I made a mental note - orange is the worst. About an hour into the test I was quite certain I was going to puke and the baby was going to claw his way out ala Alien. All that sugar on a fasting body made him turn summersalts! When it was over I was famished. I walked directly into the pharmacy for a snack. Something so I would be able to drive into work. I had to go right to meetings and lunch seemed lightyears away. The kind old pharmacist pointed out all the candy. I laughed and said since I was just tested for diabetes - I'd pass on the snicker bar - it didn't even look appealing. Almonds would save me.

But in the end....the 3 hours of time and my bruise were worth it.

I did pass the test!
It's now week 28 and the third trimster has begun! Another doctor appointment. I will go every 2 weeks from here to week 36. It was a non-eventful visit which generally are the good kind. Baby's heart is thumping along at about 155. We're both doing well. My blood pressure remains low (yay!) my weight is high (nay!) and overall I am feeling pretty good. There is less room now for my stomach and lungs so I find myself with heartburn and out of breath much more easily when walking. I can still see my toes - but just barely and I find putting on socks to be an athletic challenge now! It might be time for a pair of fleeced slip-ons :)
What's up with Mook?

He is probably weighing in around 2.5 pounds and measures 15-16 inches from head to toe.
Lance Armstrong nothing - Mookie only has about 2 to 3 percent body fat and his or her muscle tone is increasing.

Other development:
Brain tissue continues to grow and the folds and grooves of your baby's brain continue to develop and expand
The baby begins to dream
The eyes open and close
Eyebrows and eyelashes are present

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

26 weeks - The Glucose Test

I had a doctor appointment on Monday. I am 26 weeks so I had to take the 1 hour glucose test. I failed. Yikes! This means I have to have the 3 hour diabetes test and drink more of that disgusting syrup substance which makes the baby get wild sugar rush. I also found out I am anemic (low iron). What is going on? I am trying extra hard, taking a bunch of supplements - I don't even crave sweets like some women.

I felt an early sense of mommy failure as if I can't give the right things to our growing boy! Many gave me a pep talk and reminded me that actually many women fail the 1 hour test who go on to pass the full 3 hour test. My mom reminded me that in terms of feeling mommy failure this is nothing to the road ahead so don't go here now, there will be a day when the stakes are much higher. Thanks mom!!!! :) If it is diabetes it can be controlled and monitored to make sure we are both in good health for the 3rd trimester. As for the iron - more supplements - an iron supplement and vitamin C one to wash it down. Also I have to eat more iron rich sources so I am trying hard to increase my red meat intake. It's not easy. Not long ago, I used to be a vegetarian. After my trip around the world I ate meat selectively which meant I ate red meat less than occasionally. For me, even having meat in my diet seemed like a lot - enough at least.

Bring on the buffalo burger....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

25 weeks

Well here we are at 25 weeks (approximately 6 1/2 months). I am now the incredible expanding woman! In the last month my belly has clearly taken on a new shape and form!!! I also seem to be experiencing growth all over...thighs, butt, upper arms. But that is a minor muiscance for me as I think about the baby growing. I can feel him wiggling around inside me now which is one of the coolest feelings in the world. He kicks, rolls, stretches, and I am sure he is dancing on my bladder from time to time. He is big enough and strong enough to feel through my belly now and Ben loves to feel him as well. From time to time we can see him poke the skin on my stomach. My cravings lately have been spaghetti and garlic bread or sometimes just garlic bread is good enough with tomato sauce. For the ex-vegetarian - a cheeseburger never tasted so good. Go figure! Spiced breads are also yummy like pumpkin and raisin.

All about the baby: At this point he weighs in at about 1.5 lbs and is approximately 13 1/2 inches long head to heel. He's still very thin but packing on fat now in a big way. He can now feel the sensation of touch which means he is actively exploring the world around him. The babe's nostrils open up which allows him to practice "breathing" amniotic fluid through his mouth and nose while the blood vessels in his lungs continue to help develop his lungs. His tastebuds are being fine-tuned; Ben says Mook is an ice cream man. His hands are fully developed by now and has his own fingerprint!