I did pass the test!
It's now week 28 and the third trimster has begun! Another doctor appointment. I will go every 2 weeks from here to week 36. It was a non-eventful visit which generally are the good kind. Baby's heart is thumping along at about 155. We're both doing well. My blood pressure remains low (yay!) my weight is high (nay!) and overall I am feeling pretty good. There is less room now for my stomach and lungs so I find myself with heartburn and out of breath much more easily when walking. I can still see my toes - but just barely and I find putting on socks to be an athletic challenge now! It might be time for a pair of fleeced slip-ons :)
What's up with Mook?
He is probably weighing in around 2.5 pounds and measures 15-16 inches from head to toe.
Lance Armstrong nothing - Mookie only has about 2 to 3 percent body fat and his or her muscle tone is increasing.