Thursday, March 26, 2009

36 Weeks

I was a full 36 weeks on Tuesday and went in for my doc appointment.  I had the group B strep culture to see if I am a carrier, but will not receive my results back until next weeks appointment. I also had my first exam since the 2nd trimester and as I presumed I am not dilated nor effaced not even in the slightest.  He's still quite at home in my ever expanding belly.

I am starting to notice differences.  I am much more uncomfortable - getting my shoes on or in and out of a chair takes on a whole new feat of athleticism.  I was struck by the idea that about a year ago Ben and I hiked up Kilimanjaro and now 3 flights of stairs is enough to wind me and bring on Braxton Hicks contractions.   As you can see from the pictures - I am puffy.  My hands, feet and face get the brunt of the water retention.  This is something new just this week.   But all this little discomforts aside, I am filled with a joy that overwhelms it all.  Here in my 9th month I am happy.

With the help of my mom who made a special trip out here - we have most of the stuff we'd need set up.  We've transformed our spare bedroom into a little boy's room.  I think this has become one of Ben's favorite places in the house.   Thanks MOM!!!! :)

The boy is getting strong - and big which is awesome!  
Sometimes his kicks are enough to startle me or stop me in my tracks.  According to the statistical averages - he's weighing in somewhere around 6 lbs and is around 18-19 inches long!  Of course 
at this point in the journey his height and weight can vary quite a bit - each baby is unique!  He's just working on gaining weight and continuing fine tuning those lungs getting them ready to breathe air.  That first breath will be his biggest ever!