Wednesday, April 22, 2009

40 weeks +

I am 40 weeks and 1 day. And although I always had a hunch he'd be later than the due date my doc predicted, my overwhelming urge to hold him has chipped away at my patience. Any time now... but when?

I am reminded of climbing Kilimanjaro last year. I make it a point to not ask "how much further" on large treks. It's futile. It will be what it is in the end. But after 5 hours of climbing I caved. It was the one and only time I did that and looked up with some expectation at our guide...are we close? He smiled and said not much further. He never said 15 minutes or 30 minutes or 90 minutes so really the question and answer were moot. It depended how fast we walked, if we took a break, if we took pictures. In short - we would arrive when we had arrived. Which brings me back to why I don't think it or ask it. And I smiled and trudged on. And in the end Uhuru peak wasn't "much further" with another 30 minutes or so of slow stepping at the top of Africa.

He'll arrive when he arrives. And yet I want to cave and blurt out with an expectation in my every cell - are we close?

The answer is yes.
Pole Pole.

While I enjoy my glam maternity shots - I think this photo captures the spirit of "me" a little more accurately. We've had warm sunny weather here in Seattle. It's been spectacular! Ben and I have been out walking...urging that downward momentum. Seattle sidewalks are notorious. The wet soil is always shifting, the area has experienced several earthquakes and it's just about as hilly here as in San Francisco. The old sidewalks near our home are the cracked, uneven cobbly kind threatening a large raspberrry with the pebble and cement mixture. I was walking, talking, and virtually bouncing in the Vitamin D and in my out of balance state I took a spill. Miraculously my walrus overweight imbalanced body became a shaolin warrior protecting the belly. However the knee took the hit. The baby is just fine. Probably didn't feel a thing except a mild adrenaline rush after it was over. My knee however has seen better days...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Full Term - 38 Weeks

38 Weeks and full term. We have less than 2 weeks until his due date (4/21/09), though I still have a hunch he will come after. He'll come now when he is ready.
Oh but we are ready to meet him! Both Ben and I are filled with excitement wondering who are you this little boy we already love beyond recognition. We can not wait to welcome you to the world.

He's growing...growing...and growing. Just look at the belly!!!

A big thank you to my friend Jenny who not only urged me to capture this very unique time with a few artistic maternity photos but also took these.