If 40 is the new 30...why am I a geriatric patient at the OB/GYN?
Apparently this rule doesn't apply when it comes to reproductive biology. But as more and more women in their 30s....even 40s are becoming pregnant for the first time, shouldn't there be less ageism?
What gives?
A couple of months ago I was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and doing backbends daily and suddenly I find myself wanting to pick up a bottle of geritol at the pharmacy after a routine visit to the OB's office. I make a mental note to look for an easy off lid, since my dexterity has probably slipped in the past few months as well. I know I am 36. I also know the risks associated with a +35 pregnancy, but we want a family and I only just met the man who was right a couple of years ago. A couple of years before that - well that would be a different blog.
Undeniably there a different game plan and generally more fragility for my "age group" but I do resent being treated as if I have a condition. I also know my time to reproduce is running out. I am closer to 50 now than 20. Yikes! Gulp! But that is just simpletruth - reproduction has a timeframe. Which is why I am where I am - pregnant. And thrilled! And like any first timer in this space I am excited, scared, and fascinated by the journey.
I'll make a note here that my particular doctor's office in Seattle is fantastic. (Tout to Seattle Women's Clinic a part of Minor and James Medical and especiall to Dr. Scheve) I (very luckily) do not feel this and if I did I would leave immediately. Why would I need that for 7 months? I wouldn't and I don't need to. There are choices and my advice would be to find a practice that is welcoming and professional where you build some trust and you are treated like a person not an age. This is true for me.
What I am largely referring to is the media. Covers of People splashing older celebrities that have just entered mommyhood for the first time make the whole concept en vogue. And yet with all the literature reminding me of how old my eggs are and the slew of possible problems sometimes I walk away from articles and media dizzy and panic-stricken. The horror stories seem more horrifying.
My kudos and thanks to all the docs and staff out there who make us geriatric gestating patients feel like part of the young gang and as for the other stuff I largely ignore it. I read and learn as much as I need to in order to get through this pregnancy in the best way for the growing baby and me and while keeping some sanity.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
10 Weeks
The appointment and ultrasound today went great. Heart beating strongly and he (or she) was wiggling around something fierce. Pretty sure there was a wave! The picture isn't as fun as the ultrasound itself; watching the tiny body move and being able to distinguish features such as hands and arms is absolutely incredible. It took my breath and speech away. I did not want it to end! This ultrasound stuff is amazing and I think a pregnant woman should be able to get one EVERY TIME she has to go to the doctor! (Which is how it works in Mexico!) The doc set April 21st as the due date.
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